Nepali Rice Porridge

This is a lovely, nourishing thing to eat, easy to cook and absolutely perfect for the postpartum time. It’s moist, sweet, grounding, warming and delicious .. all the right qualities for the 40 day blessing time.. or before.. and after! Kids love it too.

Serves 3—4


5 cups pure water

1 cup basmati rice

¼ cup jaggery *

¼ cup ghee

2 teaspoon ginger powder

2/3 teaspoon cinnamon powder

pinch nutmeg

½ teaspoon ground black pepper

1 cup milk (or mylk)

  • Jaggery is unrefined cane or palm sugar which you buy in blocks. It’s rich in vitamin B. You can use rapadura sugar instead, or honey, or coconut syrup, as healthier versions of refined sugar.


Bring water and rice to a boil in large pot. Simmer, stirring occasionally until it begins to thicken. This should take about 20 minutes.

Add the sugar and spices and ghee. You may need to add an extra cup of water at this stage if your pudding is too thick.

Continue to cook slowly; stirring as needed. When gelatinous consistency add milk. Cook for a few more minutes to thicken.

Serve hot, with sugar and ghee to taste. Serve as desired throughout the day.

This recipe is borrowed from Julia Jones, post-natal doula of Nourishing Newborn Mothers. You can buy her postpartum recipe book by the same name HERE. I love it. It’s very informative and full of beautiful recipes.


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40 Day Blessing