Almonds Sauteed in Ghee

This is a very simple, nurturing and delicious thing to eat in the weeks after the birth. The naturally wrinkled skin of the almonds is said to help the uterus to shrink back to its pre-pregnancy size and shape after birth. It is best eaten BEFORE BREAKFAST. And ideally, prepared and served to you in bed :-)

7 or 8 almonds
2 teaspoons ghee (clarified butter which is a protein not a fat - look for it at organic or health food shops or Asian food shops. It tastes slightly nutty and can be used in Indian cooking.)
Honey, if you like.


Melt the ghee in a small pan and then add the almonds. Roast them on a relatively low flame for a minute or two. Add a little honey if you like it sweet! Let them cool off a little but eat them still warm. You can follow this up with a cup of yogi tea to nourish your nerves.


40 Day Blessing


World wisdom on the “4th trimester”